The following may apply for exemption from road tolls:

  • Uniformed and civilian emergency response vehicles on duty
  • Public transport vehicles in regular service (with the exception of some ferry replacement projects)
  • In toll rings, mobility-impaired drivers (with a municipal parking permit) are also eligible for exemption.

For all exemption schemes, you need to have signed a user agreement with a toll service provider concerning the use of an electronic toll payment tag.

The toll charger, when granting an application for a payment exemption, registers the exemption in the AutoPASS rate system. This way you will be charged correctly for toll transactions at toll stations where you have been granted exemption.

Road tolls are not collected for motorcycles and mopeds passing automatic toll stations. 

There may be special cases where local exemption schemes apply in addition to the national schemes listed above. Contact a toll charger for more information.

Mobility-impaired drivers

Mobility-impaired drivers with a valid parking permit from the municipality are entitled to exemption from tolls in toll rings around urban areas. This scheme currently applies in the following toll projects (name of toll charger in brackets):

  • Askøypakken (Ferde)
  • Bypakke Bergen (Ferde)
  • Bypakke Bodø (Bompengeselskapet Nord)
  • Bypakke Grenland (Vegfinans)
  • Bypakke Nedre Glomma (Vegfinans)
  • Bypakke Nord-Jæren (Ferde)
  • Bypakke Tenk Tromsø (Bompengeselskapet Nord)
  • Bypakke Ålesund (Vegamot)
  • Førdepakken (Ferde)
  • Haugalandspakken (Ferde)
  • Miljøpakken Trondheim (Vegamot)
  • Oslopakken 3 (Fjellinjen)
  • Samferdselspakke Kristiansand (Ferde)
  • Vegpakke Harstad (Bompengeselskapet Nord)
  • Nordhordalandspakken (Ferde)

In order to apply to a toll charger for exemption, you need to be able to present a valid parking permit and a user agreement with a toll service provider concerning the use of a toll payment tag. The parking permit must be valid for at least two years.

The parking permit and the user agreement with the toll service provider must be in the same name. The exception is that parents or legal guardians may conclude the user agreement when the parking permit is granted to children under the age of 18.

Your toll tag (for which the exemption is registered) is linked to one specific vehicle and the tag cannot be moved between vehicles without changing the agreement. The agreement cannot be changed to allow the exemption holder to use the no-charge tag in multiple vehicles. If the exemption holder has several vehicles, (s)he must choose which vehicle should be linked to the exemption.

The exemption does not apply to institutions. 

Also see Lovdata: Regulations relating to parking permits for mobility-impaired drivers (in Norwegian only)

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